Enhancing Business via Mobile Applications: A Case Study on Online Ticketing Systems

About Client

The recipient of the project is the leading self-service digital ticketing company in Europe, which equips event organizers with cutting-edge technology to amplify ticket sales and expand their online business ventures.

Reviewed on

Increase in Ticket Sales


Increase in Event Listings


Increase in User Registrations


Decrease in Customer Support Calls

The Challenge

The recipient of the project is the leading self-service digital ticketing company in Europe, which equips event organizers with cutting-edge technology to amplify ticket sales and expand their online business ventures.

Their aim revolved around the implementation of a sophisticated and robust ticketing management solution.

Diverging from conventional ticketing agencies, their aspiration is to empower organizers. Their customers have the ability to directly vend tickets to their patrons via their individual websites, mobile sites, or Facebook fan pages.

What did Alagzoo do?

The customer was grappling with significant issues stemming from their outdated Magento platform, which proved intricate and unreliable.

Alagzoo’s devised a remedy by transitioning from the monolithic Zend PHP/MySQL framework to a versatile microservices-based architecture. Our proficient team not only implemented substantial enhancements to the system but also introduced ingenious mobile applications, effectively addressing the business challenges faced by the client.

Mobile Application

We have developed mobile apps using React Native which improved the efficiency and performance. The agent app allows the agents to list multiple events on sell tickets using the app. The user’s app helped the users to locate nearby events and purchase tickets online and also helped them to redeem coupons and avail of extra discounts at the vendor store. The core functionalities of the app include the following:

Event Listing

Clear and organized presentation of upcoming events. Categorization by type (concerts, conferences, sports, etc.) and location.

Event Details

Detailed event pages with descriptions, date, time, venue, and ticket prices. High-quality event images and videos.

Ticket Purchasing

Secure online ticket purchasing through various payment methods (credit/debit cards, digital wallets, etc.). Interactive seating charts for events with assigned seating.

Ticket Options

Different ticket types (e.g., general admission, VIP, early bird) with corresponding prices and benefits.

Mobile Tickets

Option to receive mobile tickets on the app, eliminating the need for physical tickets. QR codes or barcodes for easy entry at the event venue.

Promotions and Discounts

Integration of promo codes and special offers during ticket purchase. Bundle deals or group discounts.

Account Management

User registration and login for personalized experiences. Saved payment methods and personal information for quick checkout.

Order History

Access to past ticket purchases and order details.

Event Reminders

Push notifications or email reminders for upcoming events.

Social Sharing

Ability to share event details and ticket purchases on social media.

Interactive Maps

Venue maps to help users find their way within the event location.

Rating and Reviews

Users can leave reviews and ratings for events they have attended.

Administration Portal

The one-stop solution for the admin to manage and control the overall business. The portal empowered the client to understand the business metrics and make necessary decisions for business growth. The core features include the following:

Refunds and Transfers

Clearly defined refund and transfer policies for purchased tickets.

Event Details

Detailed event pages with descriptions, date, time, venue, and ticket prices. High-quality event images and videos.

Customer Support

In-app customer support or chatbot to address user inquiries. FAQs section to answer common questions.

Analytics and Reporting

Event organizers can access data on ticket sales, attendee demographics, and more.

Custom Branding

Ability for event organizers to customize the app's appearance to match their branding.

Secure Transactions

Strong encryption and security measures to protect user payment information.

Integration with Event Marketing Tools

Integration with marketing tools to promote events and drive ticket sales.

The Results

The technology that we use to support the client

React Native
Node JS
React JS

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